Fast Delivery

How to Ship
We endeavour to despatch items as soon as possible after receiving a confirmed order. There is a 24-48 hours processing time.

You will receive a notification once your order has been shipped.

Exceptions may be made to this policy during holidays, sales and promotional events, and other special circumstances (including weather or disaster closures).

We always sell to all over the world, free shipping to all around the world.

Free Express Shipping is available for orders over US$150, DHL as default, if there’s no unexpected event, estimated delivery time is about 7 working days. (Note: Express Shipping does NOT accept PO BOX address.)

Free Standard Shipping is available for orders under US$150, usually its estimated delivery time is about 10-15 working days.

For any other countries except for the United States and Canada. Dildos and masturbators will be shipped separately by Standard Shipping, due to their obvious ‘sex toy’ nature.

In most cases, the package will be delivered within the estimated time of arrival. However, the actual delivery date may be affected by flight arrangements, weather conditions and other external factors. Please refer to the tracking information for the most accurate delivery date.

Address Corrections
You are responsible for entering the correct shipping address when checking out with our online cart system. Our fulfillment system utilizes the same information to process shipping labels. In the event you enter the wrong address, you will be responsible for address correction fees or for non-receipt of merchandise due to inaccurate information. This includes apartment numbers, suite number and route boxes.

You can track your order via the websites below using your tracking number:

Express Shipping
Track Your Shipment | DHL Express Tracking
FedEx | Tracking, Shipping, and Locations
Global Shipping & Logistics Services | UPS

Standard Shipping